નોકરી અને અભ્યાસ ની અપડેટ મેળવવા અમારી વેબસાઈટ ની લિંક સેવ કરી રાખો.

Akarna Dhanurasana

Akarna Dhanurasana

Akarnadhanurasana is an asana to be done while sitting. The shape of the body in this asana is similar to the shape of a bow, hence the name Akarnadhanurasana.

Basic position

(1) Straighten both legs. 
(2) The knees bend to the ground.
(3) Heel and toe of both feet attached.  
(4) Hands straight from the elbows to the side of both feet.
(5) Palm above the ground.
(6) The fingers of the hand are connected to each other.
(7) The body above the waist is straight and relaxed.

• Method

(1) Hold the toes of both hands (first finger) and toes with both toes.
(2) Pull the same leg with either one hand.  Pull until the toe reaches the opposite ear.
(3) This is another method of doing asanas.  Hold both legs straight and both hands clasped.  Then pull the lower hand-held leg up to the opposite ear.
(4) Stay for a minute at completion.  Then return to the original position in reverse order.
(5) In the same way hold the asana for the same amount on the other side.

• Things to keep in mind

(1) Take the hand-held foot slowly to the ear, do not hurry.
(2) The abdomen will be compressed and slightly bent.

• Advantages

(1) The muscles of the whole body get a good stretch from this asana.
(2) Increases body flexibility.
(3) Useful in relieving body fatigue.

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