Physical Education
Ustrasana (Yoga)
This asana is to be done while sitting. Ustra means camel, in the completion of this asana, the shape of the body is somewhat similar to that of a camel, hence it is called Ustrasana.
• Basic position
(1) both feet straight,
(2) knees bent to the ground,
(3) heels and toes of both feet attached,
(4) hands straight from elbows to the side of both feet,
(5) palms on the ground,
(6) hands Fingers intertwined,
(7) The body above the waist straight and relaxed.
• Method
(1) Assume the vessel first.
(2) Keep a distance of one foot between both knees. Keep a distance of four inches between the toes.
(3) Extend both arms backwards and hold them firmly to both ankles.
(4) Pull the buttocks, abdomen and chest forward and bend the head back. The body from the knees to the head will be bent like an arch.
(5) Stay in this position as much as you can. Then return to the original position in reverse order.
• Things to keep in mind
(1) Extend the abdomen and chest as much as possible and bend the head back as much as possible, so that the body is given enough flexion.
(2) Continue breathing at a normal pace.
(3) Do not stay in this asana for a long time. Do three to five repetitions.
• Advantages
(1) The spine remains flexible, healthy and efficient.
(2) Constipation and indigestion are eliminated.
(3) Increases respiratory capacity.
(4) The liver, spleen and pancreas remain healthy and efficient.
(5) Removes unnecessary body fat.
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