નોકરી અને અભ્યાસ ની અપડેટ મેળવવા અમારી વેબસાઈટ ની લિંક સેવ કરી રાખો.

Stress (Meaning - Nature, Model and sources of stress)

As we live in the 21st century, there are hardly any people who do not feel overwhelmed or stressed, it is challenging to adapt to the changing conditions in this age of rapid change and that is why people suffer from depression.  Mood-generating factors can include natural, man-made causes of everyday life or accidental, mental effects that adversely affect a person's physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral reactions, causing the person to suffer from depression, conflict or stress, if the mood is properly controlled.  Ability to cope - If a person does not have the skills, physical or psychological problems or diseases such as dementia, paranoia and dementia can be found, as well as mental illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, ulcers or stroke.  In order to live well together, it will be necessary to make efforts to maintain the mental heritage, in which people involved in psychology and psychology will have to play an important role.  In order to live a mentally healthy life, one has to adopt a holistic approach and change one's lifestyle. For this, one has to use proper meditation, time management, exercise, music and meditation and yoga, which are India's unique gifts to mankind.

Meaning - Nature, Model and sources of stress

Stress (Meaning - Nature, Model and sources of stress)

Definition - Form:

       The English word used for stress is Stress, a pure science word.  In engineering, it means ‘force exerted on a physical object’ which causes stress and changes the structure of the object.  Thus, in psychology, the stimuli responsible for changing a person's physical - mental, internal - external state, the mental state arising as a result of events are referred to as psychosis.  In the context of biological and medical sciences, mood is a physical, psychological or emotional factor that arises as a result of physical or mental stress.  Thus, according to psychologists, depression is an external condition that causes stress and fatigue.
Thus, according to psychologists, depression is an internal condition that causes stress and fatigue.
  In other words, ‘depression’ is a challenging situation of frustration, conflict or pressure that weighs heavily on a person’s physical or mental strength.

  'Attention is a pattern of the animal's specific and non-specific reactions to stimulus events, which threaten balance and impose burdens or increase the ability to cope with an event or event.

  "Stress is the negative emotional experiences associated with acute or long-term challenges that are associated with behavioral and physical changes," ---- (Sarason and Sarason)

Attitude is a reaction to stimuli that disrupt our physical-mental balance.  
Rapid changes cause everyone to feel more or less depressed.
In other words, mood is a part of life.  
Short-term and mild mood keeps a person active and alert but long-term and long-term mood harms a person's health.

(i) There are three types of mood swings

The main three types of mood swings can be shown, including frustration, conflict and pressure.  Is entered.

(ii) The degree of morale depends on a number of factors: 

The degree to which the morale is high or low depends on the situation a person has to adjust to.  Depending on its characteristics, and the external help and support it receives,

(iii) the patterns of mindfulness are special:

in the matter of mindfulness one may have uniqueness and uniqueness.  
It is not possible for all human beings to feel the same mood in a single situation.  In the same way, it does not happen that a person feels only one mood at a time.  The pattern of mood depends on a person's age, gender, occupation, economic status, aptitude, skills, other personal-social factors, so the pattern of mood may be specific to each person, thus the pattern of mood varies from time to time,

(IV) Causes of mood  May be unknown:  

We find some situations to be anxious and challenging, which can lead to depression or stress, but we do not know the reasons for it, so it can be said that the reasons for the mood may be unknown.  Repressed motivations, emotions, impulses, etc. can be the cause of such an unknown carnage.

(V) Coping with stress is costly: 

Everyone has to deal with stress in life and adjust to it, one has to pay the price in terms of resources, energy or time to learn how to deal with stress.  One must be willing to pay this price to develop the ability to cope with stress. 

(Vl) Mindfulness is a thing that reduces efficiency: 

In a state of intense mood, a person's perception becomes limited, cognitive actions are suspended, understanding of the situation becomes limited and he reacts in the same way.  It takes an unchanging and rigid approach to finding a solution to a problem, the higher the intensity of the mood and the more the person is ready to deal with it, the less the person's efficiency decreases or has a negative effect on efficiency. 

(Vll) Consequences of mood can also be constructive;

Although mood is not always negative or detrimental. Sometimes the consequences of stress can be thematic, as a result of stress the person can be prepared, stay alert, work harder and even benefit from it.

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